Saturday, 14 May 2011

First Kiss (Kissing Tips)

What happens during a first romantic kiss?
First romantic kiss is probably the most memorable event in person's life. Almost everyone remembers their first kiss. It's that time when everything feels new, anticipation builds up with enormous force and as you hold hands and move in closer for that first magical moment and the rest of the world fades away as your lips connect to your partner's lips.
Well, maybe not quite like this :) First time can be quite awkward for some people. There is nothing wrong with it, I mean how are you supposed to know how to do something without having ever done it before? Humans learn through repetition and kissing is quite pleasant to be done a lot, so you will learn quickly :)
When you're with that special someone that you really like and he or she likes you back, you can try to kiss with that person. Different people have different comfort levels when it comes to kissing, so if you're unsure if your partner wants to kiss, you can ask him or her. Asking is probably going to be less awkward if you just try to go for the kiss, especially if your partner has never kissed before either.
There are a few tips that can help you avoid awkwardness during your first kiss! It's such an exciting moment!
Ask your partner if he or she wants to kiss
Don't rush things too quickly, rather take your time
Look your partner in the eyes and exchange few warms words to help each other feel more comfortable.
Hold hands
If you're a guy, softly stroke your girlfriend's hair, while looking into her eyes
If you're sitting next to each other, you can whisper some sweet words into your partner's ear
Give your partner a compliment to make them feel more comfortable
As you look into each other's eyes try to move your head a little bit closer to their head and watch how they react
Slowly move in closer and closer, turning your head slightly to the right (most people turn their head to the right when they are about to kiss) as you open your mouth slightly
When your mouths connect, stop moving your head forward and softly press up against your partner's lips with your lips
As you kiss their lips with your lips, you can softly, just a tiny little bit stick your tongue out and touch their lips.
Don't put the tongue into their mouth the first time you kiss, since first kiss is very delicate.
After a few seconds of kissing, withdraw your head and look into your partner's eyes and hug them :)
Tell your partner you really enjoyed their kiss to make him or her feel more comfortable....................... 

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